Thursday, July 23, 2020

Week 5 & Week 6

I had no idea what this summer would be like with all the cancellations and restrictions.  Then God lead Rob down the path of diverticulitis and a three night hospital stay at Salem Hospital.  We navigated through that all together and were grateful for his quick recovery.  We were blessed he could join us in Michigan on vacation.  At one point when we were in the ER we were not even sure that would be possible. So here are my photos from Weeks 5 & 6 this summer.  I did miss a day...the day Rob came home from the hospital.  It proved to be a full and somewhat challenging day therefore taking photos was not on my mind.

Saturday, July 4: Sparklers on the 4th of July!
Sunday, July 5: Barbecue at friend's house near Albany.  Beautiful views of Mary's Peak

Monday, July 6: Rob and I took a bike ride to Yard food trucks

Tuesday, July 7: Blueberry picking!

Wednesday, July 8:  "Fast food picnic" at the park by our house

Thursday, July 9:  Introducing my children to walking tacos

Friday, July 10:  I spent much of this day in Salem Hospital with Rob who was dealing with a bad case of diverticulitis.

Saturday, July 11: Taking a break from the hospital to swim with Kara and watch her practice her dives.

Sunday, July 12:  Rob "zooming" with the kids from the hospital.  COVID 19 regulations did not allow them to visit him.

Tuesday, July 14:  I canned homemade salsa for the first time! (I missed Monday!  It was a very crazy day as Rob was discharged from the hospital and we processed through the last few days)
Wednesday, July 15:  Water fight in the backyard on a hot day
Thursday, July 20:  Making slime with preschoolers 
Friday, July 16: Traveling to Michigan in masks
Saturday, July 17: Tubing in Lloyd's Bayou near Spring Lake, MI on my brother-in-law's boat.

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