Monday, September 14, 2020

All that I could want but nothing that I need...

There's tarnish on the golden rule
And I wanna jump from this ship of fools
Show me a place where hope is young
And a people who are not afraid to love
This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything
All that I could wanted
And nothing that I need
(From This World by Caedman's Call)

    I live in one of the most beautiful states in the United States.  Oregon has breathtaking mountains, a picturesque coast, countless waterfalls, and miles and miles of hiking trails.  We do not have to travel far to bask in the beauty and flee from the busyness of the city.  A week ago we witnessed how gusty warm winds and the spark from downed power lines can ignite our wooded areas.  Little recreational towns we know and love were completely destroyed.

    When I go through challenging times in my life, God often puts some type of verse or song on my heart.  More often that not, it is a CCM song from the 1990s.  This time it was Caedman's Call "This World."  I found myself singing it often around the time the racial riots broke out in our town and the COVID pandemic continued to delay reopening our schools and businesses.  Now our beautiful state is on fire and our air quality is hazardous.  We have not seen a blue sky or a full yellow sun in a week.

        As beautiful as this world is, it will not ultimately give us everything we need.  The true hope of this world is only through Jesus Christ, the son of God.  If I don't have that, what else do I have? 

    Paul said in the book of Philippians that he learned to be content in all circumstances.   We do not stop and consider that world "learned."  It did not come naturally to him.  Yes, we are learning too.  In COVID, in rioting, in forest fires, in hazardous air quality, in numerous schedule changes, and in personal struggles we are learning to be content in every circumstance.  It can only be gained through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  

    This crazy season has caused much waiting.  I hear people constantly asking, "When?"  When will schools open?  When will I be able to go back to work?  When it will rain?  When will they be able to put out the fires?  When will there be a vaccine for COVID?  and the ever popular "When will life get back to normal." Whatever "normal" is or will become. We don't know.  Every day is simply a waiting game.  

    The love of the God the Father is not something we have to wait for.  It is guaranteed and it is freely given to us today.  Right here.  Right now.  Everyday.  No matter what we are going through.  There is no "When?" question about that.  When will God show up?  He is already here.

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