Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I miss...I dislike...I am thankful...and I learned

How have the last nine months shaped you?  What do you miss?  What do you dislike?  What are you thankful for?  What have you learned?

I miss...
  •  running races with crowd support
  •  festivals and concerts
  •  church services with more families present
  •   teaching preschool in my own classroom
  • kids sport games
  • travel
  • school events
  • large group gatherings with friends
  • seeing extended family
  • large community events
  • going to restaurants and coffee shops and being able to sit inside.  
I dislike...
  •  the nagging feeling of "when will this ever end?"
  •  watching the news
  •  the "mask" debates and other heated discussions related to COVID 19
  •  disappointment over and over again about all the things being postponed or cancelled
  •  virtual meetings
  • seeing people mentally drained and depressed due to this pandemic
  • seeing children being out of "in person school" this long
  • how devastating this disease has been for some people...it hits you personally when you know someone who died from COVID-19.
  • how there is a lot we still don't know about this virus.
I am thankful...
  •  for a more flexible schedule that has allowed me to work a mix of home, office, and classroom
  • being able to exercise in the afternoons and not have to rely on the crack of dawn (it's going to be hard if and when I have to go back to that!)
  •  we can go hike, bike, go to the coast, run, and do many outdoor activities
  •  we still have our jobs
  •  that our family is pretty close-knit and cares for one another 
  •  for extra time for hobbies
  •  for our little friend community here 
  • a chance to slow down...even though sometimes it feels like a little too much.
  • encouragement notes, texts, and emails received
  • a large middle middle school youth group with thoughtful and joyful kids 
  • a chance to try new things like singing on praise team and editing videos for teachers
  • there is a vaccine now
I have learned...
  •  to be more "go with the flow" and not have everything planned out...I honestly don't think I worry about "time" and deadlines nearly as much as I used to.
  • the importance of practicing self care
  • to show more empathy to others
  • to slow down
  • to have a humble heart and listen to people
  • the importance of calming down before helping others calm down
  • to take joy in the little things
  • I am sure there will be more things that will be revealed with time...sometimes we don't see what we learned until after its over

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