Thursday, December 31, 2020


I got sick a lot in 2019 and early 2020.

  In August of 2019 I got a "summer cold" complete with fatigue and a low grade fever.  Worst time of year to be sick.  Rob caught it took while we were camping.

 I almost always get some sort of cough or cold once school begins.  It was no surprise that I had a nasty cough in September of 2019. 

 In November I got another dry cough. I was sitting in a very important educational meeting at work and my friend kept passing me cough drops. 

 A month later I was in the same meeting coughing and had a low grade fever.  Thankfully I had my own cough drops. 

 I was healthy all through January. 

 On Sunday, February 23rd, 2020 I woke up feeling a little weak and lightheaded.  I really wanted to run at the track that afternoon because the weather was supposed to be beautiful.  I knew if I skipped Sunday School and church because I was sick, then I was too sick to run at the track.  During Sunday School I started to feel faint and by the church service I had chills.  One of my youth group kids told me to go home.  I left immediately after the service, walked home and put on a big sweatshirt.  I crawled in bed where I stayed until the next morning. I did go to work the next day. I was thinking that might have been COVID-19, but now I am thinking it was not.

The pandemic hit full force in March.  For nine and a months I had nothing.  Not even a mild cold.  No cough.  No sniffles.  Until yesterday when my daughter got a positive COVID-19 test and the rest of us are assumed positives.  While my symptoms are pretty mild, my healthy streak is over.  I am greatly looking forward to this pandemic being over as well.

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