Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Week 1

I registered for Be My Muddy Valentine which will be my first race of 2020.  I am excited to do it with Derek.  I am a little unsure about the half in April and the full end of May due to the costs.  I am committed for right now but might need to switch full marathons if I don't have enough money.

Monday = 34 minutes on the stationary bike in the cardio room and approximately 30 minutes of weights.  Went to the gym in the early evening.

Tuesday = My last run of 2019! I ran six miles and decided to run in shorts...and it was pretty cold!

Wednesday = Happy New Years Eve! I ran at the track and did one mile warm up and 4 x 400 with recovery laps in between.

Thursday = Group Ride.  I like the 8:30 AM Tuesday/Thursday class.  I wish I could go more often.  I feel like I work harder versus the 5:15 AM when I am barely awake.

Friday = Rest

Saturday = Swam about 1100 yards.  Since my nephew gave me some pointers on my stroke, I spent most of the swim working on keeping my legs straighter!

Sunday = Short 3 mile around the neighborhood

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